Experience Total Wellness with ECP Therapy
This long over-looked medical device can offer relief from a myriad of conditions, but it is primarily an FDA-approved treatment for refractory angina. Over the years, it has been found to also address other types of heart disease - hypertension, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathies, congestive heart failure (CHF) and myocarditis - and a long list of other medical conditions including COPD, kidney disorders, ischemic strokes, depression, mild vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease, ischemic eye diseases, and even erectile dysfunction. External counterpulsation (ECP) therapy is chest pain therapy that is most commonly recommended for people who are not candidates for stints (too many small blockages) and candidates or are in eligible for by-pass surgery (heart is too weak.)
This article published in 2019, has a long list of conditions that ECP has been documented to help.

How Does ECP Work?​
ECP therapy uses wraps, similar to blood pressure cuffs, to improve your blood flow. The cuffs are hydraulic and connected to your heart using a 3-lead EKG monitor. It is painless, noninvasive, and akin to passive exercise. In fact, you get six times more oxygen to your heart during an ECP treatment than you do running uphill on a treadmill for an hour! The treatment increases circulatory nitric oxide, which dilates your arteries and increases vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).
VEGF stimulates your body to grow new blood vessels. In the heart, the new blood vessels created are collateral circulation around blocked blood vessels.
The medical literature describes a full course of treatment as daily treatments over seven weeks, 35 treatments in total. However, benefit can be achieved from 10 or 20 treatments; and a person can do two sessions per day. Sessions are a hour in duration; most people listen to music, read, or take a nap during the treatment!
What Results Are Achieved?
With ECP, an increase in exercise tolerance without symptoms is seen almost immediately. Patients may experience lowered blood pressure, more energy and an overall sense of improved wellbeing in as few as 5 treatments. Most are able to reduce the number of medications or the dosage of their medications as the protocol proceeds. There are essentially no side effects, and it is safe even for patients who have a stint or pacemaker in place and/or have had previous by-pass surgery.
How long do the results last?
In 2000, the Journal of Clinical Cardiology published a 5-year follow up study that concluded:
The overall survival of ECP-treated patients was 88%. This is comparable to that seen with medical and revascularization therapies. The study concluded:
After Completing My sessions, Do I Need To Come Back For a Tune-Up?
I like to explain it this way: Imagine you are overweight and out of shape and then went to the gym for several months. During that time, you lost weight and got into shape. Would you then cancel your gym membership… or would you want a long term membership?
At our ECP Studio in Ventura, California, we offer long term membership packages where you can come weekly, bi-weekly or even once a month to maintain your health.
Most people feel so good after completing their sessions, they want to continue forever!
What's Extra Special About Our Locations?
Our team educates, inspires, and motivates you (and your family/support system) to make the right decisions regarding your health. By thinking and choosing differently, and by improving your circulation, your anatomy and physiology can become healthier. You can then live the life you were divinely designed to live. As a Christian facility, with your permission, we can also pray with you to assist in your emotional and spiritual healing.